
Colleges and universities in the Berlin district of Treptow-Köpenick


Hochschule für angewandte Pädagogik HSAP University of Applied Education
Ostendstraße 1
12459 Berlin
Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin Steinbeis University Berlin
Ernst-Augustin-Straße 15
12489 Berlin

Faculties and departments

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft - Fachbereich 1: Ingenieurwissenschaften I HTW University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics
Faculty 1: School of Engineering – Energy and Information
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
12459 Berlin
HTW - Fachbereich 2: Ingenieurwissenschaften II HTW University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics
Faculty 2: School of Engineering – Technology and Life
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
12459 Berlin
HTW - Fachbereich 4: Wirtschaftswissenschaften II HTW University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics
Faculty 4: School of Computing, Communication and Business
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
12459 Berlin
HTW - Fachbereich 5: Gestaltung HTW University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics
Faculty 5: School of Design and Culture
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A
12459 Berlin
Johann-von-Neumann-Haus - Campus Adlershof Humboldt University of Berlin
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin


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